can have a baby conversation with you(and never knows when to be quiet)
- Has a basic self tought routine 7 - 7 with one dream feed at 10.30 and one wake up at 5am
- Cries when shes tired and needs her blanket as its one thing she adores a blanket on her even on the hottest of days!!!
- Likes a cherry top dummy(dinky)
- Is a smiley baby
- Loves her sister (dunno why all she does is get bullied by her)
- Enjoys floor play and tummy time
- recognises her mummy :o) she goes quiet when she sees or hears me
- Weight - 12lb 14oz
- Lengh - 59cm
- "is slightly over weight for her age" what i say your just perfect and nice and cuddly
I dont know how health visitors can say a child is overweight when they drink within there limits as im not gonna strave my kid when there screaming for food... silly people!
I have been scrapping non stop over the last few days.... Sama is actually enjoying sitting with me and doing her own thing, its been real nice, i just need to add journelling and then i can take photos and post them up here!
I havent really got much to say right now but hoping to post tonight with some interesting stuff ive been working on!