Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Feeling rather Grugged out

Yes you read it right im feeling grugged out, its not a word but its my word well for feeling rather yuck... im extremely exhausted and i have that horrid feeling in my throat, the one where its like im gonna get a very sore throat or a very bad cold.

Im half way done with the big sort out im planning to complete my ironing today in the garden as well for some reason Sama wont play out there alone so to have the best of both worlds im gonna stand in the sun and iron the day away. We have had loads of sun and did take the chukkies to the nature centre to see the animals which turned out to be a fab day.

Sorry for the pic overload lol but it was fun the boys and man in the first picture is my best friends husband and sons it truely was a great day

Anyway for now TFSB and showing some love



  1. Such gorgeous pics!! I hope you enjoy your day xxx

  2. more gorgeous photos in the wonderful sunshine...cold and wet over here in Australia :0(

  3. GREAT photos! Yay for sunshine! :)

  4. Such cuteness in those kiddos!

  5. Fabulous photos! Love every single one of them. If I had to iron, doing so in the sun doesn't sound too bad :) I can't even remember the last time I ironed something, lol.

  6. You really do take fabulous pictures!

  7. Looks like you all had a great day. Love the photos! :)

    And I hope you don't get sick! Drink lots of water. :)

  8. Aww- you got some super cute photos there!

  9. Great pics again - and keep well gal, get sme vitamin C!

  10. Hope your ironing got done! Everyone has been sick lately, hope you feel better.
