Saturday, 18 April 2009

There shall be light at the end of the tunnel

Today has started of as a better day..... I got a full nights sleep, i woke up cleaned the house and cooked Aubergine curry and by 11am im having fun with sama who got my camera and asked 'picta' so we had a tad bit of photo fun.. before my dad came and picked her up

I have decided that for me to fix things and be happy i need to be happy with myself so im planning for a change from tomorrow the post pregnancy diet begins and im going to book an appointment with the hair dresser today but need ideas on cuts to suit me any ideas would be nice....

With sumble not here i have decided to have a me day today, shower, facial etc etc so im off and will be back soon with some questions and pics of my current projects

TFR and show some love



  1. Hope you have a great day of pampering, new moms deserve it! Beautiful pics!

  2. really love your pictures

  3. Gorgeous photos! enjoy your day!

  4. Your daughter is simply gorgeous. What a fab smile.

  5. you've had the baby...congrats..,you have taken some truly beautiful pics of your gorgeous girls :)
